
STRABAG nudi mnoštvo prilika i poticaja - od uzbudljivih projekata do tvog osobnog razvoja.


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The future of construction: BIM, digital manufacturing and 3D concrete printing

Alexander Caran works as a BIM developer in the central department STRABAG Innovation & Digitalization with a focus on digital manufacturing. His goal is to bring innovation to construction sites. In the Studydrive podcast "Career to Go", he provides insights into his work and his career path.
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Marion, IT software developer at STRABAG, sitting at her desk in the office

Curious about new ways

Marion Franyi works part-time at STRABAG in software development. Actually trained in a completely different industry, the 41-year-old became interested in software development as an employee in IT support. Here she explains to you how she is now constantly improving the in-house software at STRABAG.
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Creating Future. Creating IT.

In the latest Studydrive podcast episode "Career to Go", our colleague Jelena talks about her work at STRABAG IT. Find out what makes it so exciting for her here.
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More than zeros and ones

The IT industry is a dynamic field of work that offers a wide range of opportunities - for both trained IT staff and career changers. STRABAG IT offers exciting career opportunities even without a traditional IT degree. Johannes is a very good example. He is a team leader for construction and other applications in the area of app and ERP development at the Vienna site.
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Selfie of young man with construction helmet, in the background you can see stairs made of wood

Trainee around the world: Jonas' assignment in Kenya.

"I knew early on that the decision was right." Jonas completed his practical and development program as the first technical trainee in timber construction at ZÜBLIN Timber. In the blog post, he reports on his exciting trainee period and what happened next for him.
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Two cyclists meet on the road on their company bike Sina Scherer

STRABAG Company Bike

Since June 1, STRABAG employees have had the option of leasing a company bike as an additional benefit. In this way, the Group is not only fulfilling its efforts in the area of climate protection, but is also supporting the health of its employees.
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