Women on the construction site are rare, but they are being seen more often.

Anne Killmer
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Anne Killmer is doing an apprenticeship to become a Construction Equipment Operator at STRABAG. 

What Anne originally wanted to become and how she came to do an apprenticeship as a Construction Equipment Operator after all - find out here!

Anne Killmer
Current position
Apprentice Equipment Operator

How did you come to do an apprenticeship as a Construction Equipment Operator?   

The interest in construction equipment was always there and then I slipped in here more and more, and now I would say: "This is my dream job!". I'm now in my second year of my apprenticeship and will finally be finished in a year! 

What happens during your apprenticeship? 

The apprenticeship is not just a piece of cake - of course we also go out to the construction site and operate the construction machines there, just like we will do later in practice. At the beginning of the apprenticeship, you first learn the basics of the various construction trades, such as bricklaying and road construction, then we do the machine certificate so that we learn the basics on the small machines. First, we go on the mini-excavators and then on the big machines.  

After a completed construction project I am ... 

... simply proud and happy! Happy that it's finished and proud that we managed everything so well as a team and that everything worked out so well. There's nothing better than successfully completing a construction project! 

  • I totally enjoy working with the machines! You can just get me excited with the smallest things on the machine.

What is special about working at STRABAG? 

First and foremost, working at STRABAG is well paid. We also work with state-of-the-art technology. At STRABAG, you don't work against each other. We are a team! 

Applicants should be... 

... be able to learn and be physically fit - and of course have a lot of fun with big machines! 


See for yourself what Anne reports here:

Teaserfoto Karriere-Video von Anne Killmer
Moving big things with powerful machines: Apprenticeship as a Light Equipment Operator at STRABAG