Award-winning master's thesis: Sustainability in real estate valuation

08 Dec 2023
Elena Haug started as a dual bachelor's student at STRABAG PFS and later studied for a master's degree in facility and real estate management while working. The technical property manager was recently honored for her master's thesis. Details of her career at STRABAG PFS to date and her award-winning thesis can be found here.
  • Anyone valuing real estate must take sustainable building characteristics into account - this has been scientifically proven many times over. However, this is not yet sufficiently implemented in practice

    Elena Haug
    Technical Property Manager at STRABAG Property and Facility Services (PFS)

No short-term hype

Elena Haug surveyed around 100 industry experts from Germany and Austria for her master's thesis. Interesting things can be deduced from this. The three biggest barriers to integrating sustainability aspects into property valuation are therefore:

- Data availability
- Valuers' expertise
- Internationalization in terms of uniform requirements

Another finding: Respondents primarily associate sustainability with ecological and economic factors and not social criteria. This is despite the fact that social aspects are also a relevant dimension of sustainability. In addition, most agreed that sustainability is not a short-term hype, but rather a long-term trend.

Elena's path to STRABAG PFS

After graduating from high school, Elena spent six months working and traveling in Australia and New Zealand. Back in Germany, she was looking for a suitable course of study and happened to see that Strabag PFS was also looking for dual students. "The course sounded very interesting and I applied straight away." After being accepted, she soon got started.

  • I was warmly welcomed into the team and after a short time I was already taking on tasks on my own responsibility. The regular cake rounds back then also helped me to quickly feel very comfortable.

    Elena Haug

From dual student to high-potential employee

The technology enthusiast from Stuttgart has been with STRABAG PFS since 2016, initially as a dual student of industrial engineering with a focus on facility management. After successfully completing her Bachelor's degree at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University in Stuttgart, she spent two years as a technical property manager responsible for various portfolios of fund companies.

In 2021, Elena then decided to enrol on a part-time Master's degree in Facility and Real Estate Management at the public university of applied sciences in Kufstein, Austria. Through the practical, hybrid teaching system, she built up knowledge that she now uses to advise her clients even more comprehensively. She takes sustainability factors into account and uses them to determine the best way to replace outdated heating technology - with the same model, a district heating connection or an alternative heating system that uses geothermal energy, heat pumps and photovoltaics, for example.

No standstill in sight - because as part of the high-potentials program at STRABAG, Elena is continuing to prepare herself academically and professionally for the next step in her career.