Our promise

We are industry leaders in building a better future 
People on the construction stand together

STRABAG is the ideal employer for people who want to work on progress rather than waiting for it to happen. For those who want to move the industry and shape its future, instead of being moved along by it. For those who relish new challenges everyday, think outside of the box, and act. 
For people who are open to change and the digital transformation, and are committed to working in teams. Diversity, Equal opportunity, and Inclusion are integral to who we are as a company and how we operate. We are convinced that more diverse teams perform better. Together we work as partners to complete projects successfully and embrace new challenges.  

We are looking for people who will work with us to develop the future of construction. 
Are you ready? 

Building together for a sustainable future

We aim to become the most innovative and sustainable construction technology group in Europe.

Our vision is to reshape the future of construction, and we have already taken steps to achieving this by setting ourselves a clearly defined target: To become a climate neutral value chain by 2040. To reach our goal, we will re-evaluate, rethink, and make the necessary changes to the way we operate across the business.  But we won’t stop there, we want to do more to secure a sustainable future. This is where our Strategy 2030 comes in. 

Video STRABAG Strategy 2030

This strategy sets out how we will make our vision a reality in the coming years. As an established construction technology group, we have a clear ambition: we want to be profitable and at the same time maximise the added value for people and the environment. After all, successful and sustainable business means not just looking one-dimensionally into the future. Together we want to achieve more: 

But we will not achieve this goal overnight. It is a process that requires technologies and completely new ways of working that conserve resources and make us less dependent on fossil fuels. As a technology pioneer in construction, we think ahead, engage in data-driven decision-making and question the status quo to continuously develop new expertise. 

Individual development: Your blueprint for a sustainable career

Learning is a lifelong process, whether it be personal development or in the workplace. At STRABAG, we actively encourage this process.

We offer various development and training opportunities tailored to your skills and interests. We aim to ensure that you have all the necessary capabilities and qualifications that will be relevant both for the company and for your professional career. 

Career model

Whether you’re a graduate or apprentice, at STRABAG, there is a career path for you. We provide numerous opportunities to lay the foundation for a successful career and to drive progress as part of a strong team. 

Our career model offers you the opportunity to develop in three different career paths: 

Employees performance review

STRABAG is characterised by a dynamic corporate culture. In our activities, we constantly ask ourselves: "Where are we, and where do we want to go?" 
We pose this question to you, too. Your needs, skills and goals are of course important to us throughout the year.  
In the annual employee performance review, you discuss these in detail with your manager. You’ll collaboratively set professional goals, discuss strengths and areas for development, and jointly determine how these can be further developed together. 

Group Academy

STRABAG has what many construction companies do not have: an in-house academy. Our training program covers both company-specific expertise and knowledge areas such as leadership development, personal development, technology, IT and law. The Group Academy offers employees not only seminars by internal and external experts, but also many digital learning formats for internal training. We also work with partners such as LinkedIn Learning to provide access to over 11,000 video courses. The goal is to support demand-oriented, work-based and self-directed learning and to make it possible at any time. True to the motto "You decide when, where and how you want to learn".

  • One of the remarkable things about STRABAG is that there are huge opportunities available for those who are proactive and show a willingness to adapt and learn. I’m fortunate to be at a company that rewards creativity and invests so much into developing the skills of its employees.

    Construction Manager

Individual training

Optimal competences in construction and project planning require optimal training. To prepare you for these tasks, we offer two special training courses. These will give you a solid foundation for your career. 

4 people sit in a training

Versatile Project Management

In cooperation with the FH Campus Vienna, we offer our prospective Project Managers extensive internal training that prepares them intensively for the handling of projects in commercial and technical areas. We place particular emphasis on the networking of participants with each other and the interaction with experienced Project Managers. In six modules, under the guidance of internal and external experts, participants learn about relevant project management topics with a focus on future-oriented and innovative ways of working and then work through the content in a practical manner using case studies. 

5 people in a training room

Successful Construction Management

The challenges facing managers today are diverse and demanding. In order to optimally prepare and support our employees in the commercial and technical areas for these career steps, we offer them the "Successful Construction Management" training courses. In eight modules, comprehensive knowledge is imparted, ranging from customer management to quality assurance. Internal module leaders - mainly from our senior management team- run the events, building on the expertise of numerous internal and external trainers to ensure maximum practical relevance. Interaction within the groups and with the trainers is encouraged in all modules, so that long-lasting relationships can develop for mutual support in everyday professional life. 

Added value for you: Because you are worth it to us.

At STRABAG, our people are our most important asset.

That is why we make them our top priority.  Everything we do is geared towards realising the potential of every individual. This includes safety concepts on construction sites, holistic health management, our wide range of apprenticeships, and a variety of opportunities that create space for industry shaping work.  


We offer a range of benefits: 

Health. Safety. Wellbeing.

The people who work for us are our most valuable asset. That is why we have established targeted measures in the areas of prevention and health promotion.

Health in focus

For us, wellbeing means putting our people first and ensuring the health of our colleagues is factored into all operational decisions and processes. After all, being healthy is much more than the absence of physical illness. Ultimately, both the psychological and social components make a major contribution to one’s health and wellbeing.  

Our measures

Target group specific. On site. Company-wide.

  • Health expertise

    How do you actually behave in a healthy way? To help our employees gain this health knowledge, we offer lectures, workshops, webinars and confidential external individual consultations. Topics such as stress and burnout prevention, nutrition, exercise, ergonomics and motivation are presented to our employees in formats tailored to the target group. Whether you are an apprentice or a manager, whether you are a tunnel builder or a site supervisor - there is a format for YOU!

  • Sports and health offers

    Moving in breaks for a short energy refueling in between, or exhausting in the bootcamp after work? The choice is yours! A variety of sport activities take place regularly throughout the year at our locations: Running groups, back health, soccer, yoga, pilates, workplace massages and much more.

  • Leadership qualification

    Our leaders are tuned in to the topic of health and trained to recognise signs of personal crises such as burnout - both in their employees and in themselves. Healthy leadership, performance in today's working environment and communication are also essential contents of our Leadership Compass.

  • Cooperation partners

    Would you also like to benefit from our company's offers and discounts in your free time? No problem: Corporate Benefits offers you a wide range of activities and discounted (sports) equipment! In addition, you can configure your personal dream bike through our company bike leasing partner "Company Bike"!

  • Wellbeing on wheels

    Our Wellbeing is also mobile: with the Health Mobile, which travels to various construction sites individually equipped and thus reaches many of our colleagues who work independently of location and could otherwise not benefit from health activities in presence.

  • Check-ups

    As part of our regular health weeks, we offer primary preventive screenings and analyses. From spinal scans and body analyses to strength diagnostics and many other health tests, our employees can have their bodies checked.

Safety at STRABAG

No job is more important than your health or that of your colleagues. In order to make STRABAG safer every day, we 1 ▸ 2 ▸ 3 choose safety! 

There are three essential steps behind this:

  • 1 ▸ Stop!

    Take your time and assess the situation before you act. The seconds before your next move are decisive! 

  • 2 ▸ Think!

    Take a close look at the next work step, consider the best course of action.

  • 3 ▸ Act!

    Act responsibly and work safely.

1 ▸ 2 ▸ 3 Choose Safety!

This principle encourages you to take a moment’s time out and ensure you are making conscious decisions to focus on health and safety in the workplace. Whether on the construction site or in the office: It is the crucial seconds before the next work step that decide ... 

Diverse teams: How we work together

We are united by the goal of building progress together for people and the planet.

Put simply, this means that we will become climate neutral across the entire value chain by 2040 It will be a marathon and not a sprint, we are focused on reaching our destination step by step. Added To achieve this, we build for and with people and rely on the wide-ranging experience and perspectives of our employees. 

Our guiding principles

This is what we stand for and form the basis of our actions towards our employees, our clients, our subcontractors, and our society. 

  • Partnership

    ... working to create mutually beneficial relationships by identifying shared interests 

  • Trust

    ... place confidence in each other’s abilities, give room for independent thinking and problem solving

  • Solidarity

    ... stand up for each other, take responsibility for successes and failures, maintain a sense of togetherness even during challenging times

  • Innovative spirit

    ... foster creativity in the workplace, view mistakes as valuable learning experiences necessary for growth

  • Commitment

    ... define and pursue common goals, actively contribute to their realisation

  • Modesty

    ... set realistic expectations of ourselves, remain down-to-earth and approachable 

  • Sustainability

    ... taking collective responsibility for ourselves, our company and our environment – prioritising achieving lasting success over quick victories

  • Respect

    ... being open to different perspectives, recognising the value of others and treating them fairly

  • Reliability

    ... can be depended upon to do what we say we will do

We stand for more equality, diversity and inclusion

Our EDI strategy (Equality-Diversity-Inclusion) is focused on enabling everyone to contribute with their uniqueness and experience. Diversity in our teams enables us to find innovative solutions and successfully build the future.

We are committed to diversity

We focus on diversity not only in the services we provide to clients, but also among the people and teams at STRABAG. We are convinced that diversity enables us to find innovative solutions and re-shape the construction industry. 

Photo trainee on construction machine

Increasing gender diversity

We are committed to providing opportunities for individual career development, regardless of gender or gender identity. We believe that having a diversity of perspectives, opinions and life experiences is an important tool to overcoming our challenges and achieving success. We also work to improve the work-life balance of our staff through remote working. 

Photo trainees in Bebra group picture

Promoting internationality

We currently have colleagues from over 139 nations at STRABAG UK. We’re proud of our record of recruiting talented staff from all over the world who embody STRABAG’s founding principles and work together successfully in teams. 

Two surveyors on the construction site

Enabling generational diversity

The time we work in life is increasing and so is the experience that can be passed on. We leverage this potential through our mentoring and coaching programs and cross-generational teams. In this way, we promote the exchange of experience between employees of different generations. Everyone involved benefits from this and has the opportunity to learn new things. We also offer flexible working time models to enable individual working conditions.