I really like the fact that we are allowed to work independently a lot at Camp[us] Ybbs.

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Emre is doing an apprenticeship as a plasterer

Here he tells you what he particularly likes about his apprenticeship and what motivates him most.

Current position
Apprenticeship as a plasterer

What are your current tasks on the construction site?

As a paving contractor, I pave gardens, footpaths and parking lots - everything that has to do with laying stone. The nice thing about it is that I can work with natural stone.

As an apprentice, you will also be trained at the company's own campus in Ybbs. What do you think of it here?

I think it's great here because we can learn and try out a lot, including driving excavators or rollers. This would not be possible outside the campus for apprentices under the age of 18.

  • The praise I get here when I've done something well is particularly motivating.

What is particularly important to you at work?

Having fun at work and nice colleagues are very important to me, because that always improves the result.

Find out more about Emre in the video

Video: Apprenticeship concrete worker