"To stay ahead, you have to keep improving".

The special thing about working in the precast plant is helping to shape the construction of tomorrow. Because that is what is happening at Mischek: A high degree of prefabrication enables more efficient and thus more sustainable construction. Intelligent precast elements are pre-produced in the factory and only need to be assembled on the construction site. Construction time reductions and more sustainable as well as emission-saving work are the result.

Even though we have already created innovative precast elements with the various products we offer, there are always new ideas to improve tomorrow's construction. Because this is the only way to move forward in the future. Our site managers, group leaders, project managers and skilled workers like to come to us with new ideas for precast elements, which we then naturally try to implement and make marketable. The challenges that come along with this are exciting for me. How do I implement the new product in the ongoing production process? Can I use existing robots or do I have to procure new ones? When will the product be ready to go into series production?
It is precisely these tasks that excite and challenge me and my team. After all, the day-to-day business still has to be managed. I can count on my employees to help me with this. In the morning, I like to make my rounds of the plant and talk to my colleagues. I give them an overview and explain the changes we want to make. Our current goal is to ensure CO2-neutral production, which my colleagues really like. I also enjoy motivating the employees with our projects.
And that's exactly what's nice about my job: the variety that comes with the change processes and progress. At the moment, we are focusing on the topics of CO2 neutrality, energy saving and sustainability. The complex demands this places on us are not always easy to manage alongside day-to-day business. It doesn't get boring here.
One of my tasks is to find out what is needed to implement new products or changes Not only technically, but also in terms of people. We have to be flexible, we have to be open to new things. But in the end, our employees really appreciate our innovations and are proud to be able to identify with them. I, too, am happy to be part of the team at the precast plant and to help shape the future.