Laying the foundation: an internship on the construction site

17 Oct 2022
Leonie, a 9th grade student, was able to gain exciting experience during her school internship at STRABAG in the Hermsdorf group. Now she is even considering starting her apprenticeship there as well.
Intern Leoni sits in the excavator and operates it
Current position

Leonie reports on her experiences during the internship

For her 14-day student internship in the summer, Leonie deliberately decided against a classic office job because she liked to lend a hand and be out in the fresh air. Instead, she spent the two weeks on a STRABAG construction site on the B92 in Greiz-Dölau.

During this time, she gained an insight into the daily routine of her colleagues and was able to support the sewer construction crew. Her tasks included soil compaction with the tamper and vibratory plate, manual activities with the shovel and getting to know the construction machinery on site. She even got to try out the excavator, wheel loader, vibratory plate and rover pole under the guidance of trained personnel. She enjoyed this so much that she came back during the school vacations and supported her colleagues for another two weeks. Leonie particularly enjoyed the good teamwork combined with the great exchange of knowledge from the experienced staff.

The internship and the vacation job confirmed to Leonie that working on a construction site is just the right thing for her. After graduating from school, she would like to start training as a construction equipment operator at STRABAG. We are already very much looking forward to it.