I commute about 15 kilometers each way by bicycle as often as possible.

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As a Project Engineer, Daniela is an important pioneer for innovation and thus for more sustainability in the Group. In this interview, she reveals how she contributes to climate protection through her work, but also in her private life.

Bicycle instead of car
CO2 saved:
650 kilogram per year

Do you also work for more sustainability in your private life?

We don't have a car and do car sharing, go shopping at the market, I try to keep the bathroom plastic-free wherever possible, and I don't take any private vacation flights. That's why I also took the night train to Vienna for the photo shoot for the campaign.

Why is this topic important to you?

So that our children can also lead a good life in this world with limited resources.

What has excited you the most so far during your time at STRABAG?

The many different colleagues and I meet new ones every day: whether in the canteen or virtually via teams, whether professionally or privately because of cycling, whether Site Manager or board member. And of course my closest team - absolutely great colleagues!

What skills do you need to contribute to a more sustainable future?

You don't need special skills, everyone can contribute! Go through life with open eyes, question old habits and try new things.

Is there anything else you would like to share with your colleagues?

  • Don't think too much, but start with small things. That also adds up to something big.

#iworkonprogress Video - Daniela, Project Engineer